Kävi ilmi, että neiti oli heilahtanut naapurin Peppiä kurkkaamassa ja varastanut siltä possunkorvan. Kyllä mami oli taas ylpeä...
Illan edellä pakkanen oli lauhtunut jo -20 asteeseen joten minäkin uskaltauduin vihdoin pihalle. Raahasin myös lapset mukaan, koiraahan ei paljoa tarvinut houkutella...
Mutta kyllä talvi on välillä kivakin. Lapsuudesta mieleen on erityisesti jääneet kevättalven hankikanto. Tai kantohanki, miten kukakin sen haluaa ilmaista. Jostain syystä hanki ei enää aikuisiällä minua ole kantanut. Ennen kuin nyt! Tuossa puolen kilometrin päässä tuunaavat moottoritietä ja ajelevat isoilla härveleillä ristiin rastiin läheisellä pellolla ja kas, hanki kantaa taas minuakin! Niinpä olemme nauttineet Alman kanssa vaeltelusta pelloilla.
* * *
In the morning the meter showed -28C. No-one would get me out of the door. Alma instead went outside cheerfully as usual just to turn around to get back inside. Every quarter of an hour she was at the door to check for if the weather would be warm enough to gou out. This meant that for every quarter of an hour I got up from the breakfast table to open the front door for her to put her nose out and turn right back inside. The third time (after about one hour) the dog finally decided to go out and I dared to let it out there, thinking, she will be right back inside again. This time it took a little longer. It took me 20 minutes to put on my winter clothes and look for hats and gloves and right when I was ready, she was back behind the door. With an icy PORK EAR!
It turned out that the Alma had ran in neighbor to look for Peppi (another bitch in the neighbourhood) and stolen her pork ear. Yes, I was proud of my dog, again...
By the evening the frost had already condensed in -20 degrees so finally I was ready to go out . I dragged the children with us, I didn't need to attract much the dog...
It turned out that the Alma had ran in neighbor to look for Peppi (another bitch in the neighbourhood) and stolen her pork ear. Yes, I was proud of my dog, again...
By the evening the frost had already condensed in -20 degrees so finally I was ready to go out . I dragged the children with us, I didn't need to attract much the dog...
Hiukan haasteellista kuvata koiraa.
Ainakin mun kameralla. Täytyy toivoa joulupukilta vähän
järeämpää kalustoa...
Dear Santa, would you bring me better camera to
catch a decent picture of my dog?
Dear Santa, would you bring me better camera to
catch a decent picture of my dog?
Bongaa koira!
Can you find the dog?
Can you find the dog?
Alma kaivautumassa Kiinaan
Alma tries to find a way to China.
Alma tries to find a way to China.